Thursday, November 18, 2010

Overcoming obstacles.

Sometimes you want to move forward...but there's something in your way.
Now you've got to figure out how to move past it. How does a person overcome obstacles?
Obstacles can pop up suddenly, when least expected. And sometimes you don't have the tools to get past the obstacle. So do you just sit and wait until an opportunity presents itself, or do you go looking for a solution?
Sometimes you get an obstacle that you've got to tackle step-by-step, and not in one go, so that it's time consuming and maybe even frustrating.
We're all presented with obstacles throughout our life, sometimes even challenges. It just depends how we cope with the obstacle or challenge. And nothing that's worth pursuing comes easy. You've got to work for it.
So here's a challenge for you today: Try to face your obstacles head-on, and if they need to be tackled slowly, or a solution needs to be found, have the patience and perseverance to see it through. And then go and tackle your dream, and make it come true.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


When goals get made, be it long-term or short-term goals, do you prioritize which goals are going to be done first? Or do you just do the goals that you can and go from there?
Sometimes it's important to prioritize. Prioritizing can prevent you from winding up somewhere where you don't want to be, or in a situation you don't want to be in.
Say for instance, you want to make your shelved dream become a reality. You've got a job...but it doesn't pay much. So now you've got to plan how you spend your money, or your dream won't happen, because you haven't prioritized what you need and what you don't need. Like do you really need that brand new expensive cell phone when you could put that money away towards making your dream happen?
Sometimes we've got to plan for things, which is where prioritizing comes in. Goals also help to keep you motivated.
Prioritizing might get a bit tedious and boring sometimes, but to be successful, prioritizing is needed.
And if you want to have fun somewhere along the line...plan and prioritize for it! ; )
(Unless you've got the money to spend whenever and however you want! But then you've probably made your dream happen already!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do you believe in yourself?

If you want to make your shelved dreams a reality, it's important that you believe in yourself and that you can make your dream a reality...otherwise, chances are, it's not going to happen.
Sometimes, a person relies on someone else to believe in them. But how is that someone else supposed to believe in that person when that person doesn't believe in themselves?
So, how do you inspire belief in yourself?
Maybe you can start by doing something you enjoy, that you know you do well in. And then slowly but surely, you can work up to your shelved dreams...and finally take them off the shelf, dust them off, and see where you can go with them.
If you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. And that will build up your confidence, which might lead you to trying to get other people to believe in themselves. You'll also feel better by trying to help someone that needs that extra boost. Having confidence and belief might also motivate you to try something different, maybe something that you were afraid to do before. Confidence could also rub off on the people around you, whether it be at work, at home, on go out and have fun with your newfound might take you places...