Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Inspiration to carry on...

What inspires you to carry on hoping to live your dream, or if you're living your dream, what inspires you to carry on living your dream?
Inspiration can come from various places, and different things are going to inspire different people. Like last night, I was watching TV, and after the TV programme I watched, I came up with a new story idea (I want to become a novel writer). So now I've just got to develop the idea, and nurture it. Hopefully something will become of it...but then I've got to work at it for it to become a reality. Sometimes a person needs a reminder of the inspiration to keep them going. If you need the reminder, make sure you keep it somewhere where you'll see it everyday...and then start to work towards it. But don't take giant leaps towards your dream. Make sure they're small and within your reach. Don't let your dream die, or shelve it to only forget about it. Let your inspiration make you take that first bold step forward...and if you need help, ask for it. Chances are, you're going to need help making your dream a reality. Ask for support. And if you hit a rough patch, let the people around you remind you of your ultimate goal...where you really want to be, and then get back up and carry on...

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