Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Everyone's dream.

Wouldn't it be nice if you won some money, and never having to work in your life again?
If you could become famous and earn the money some of these actors, actresses and singers do?
Some people only do a particular job for the money, not because they want to do it. Life would be so much easier if we could all earn big bucks...but that's not going to happen...unfortunately.
So, back to the real world. If you're going to be working, it's best that you do something you love, so that, like the saying goes,'you'll never have to work a day in your life'.
But, unfortunately, like everything else in life, you're still going to have to work to where you want to be, so that you can live your dream life. And chances are, the road/path to your dream isn't going to be easy. Chances are, you're going to have to take a lot of detours, make a lot of stops, make u-turns, run into obstacles, take chances. And that's how life is.
Nothing in life is guaranteed. You can plan as much as you want, chances are, sometimes, things are going to go off course. But don't beat yourself up about it. If you need to, ride through the rough patch as best as you can, and then carry on.
And don't ever give up hope, you can make your dream a reality, even if you're in your middle-age or older, or even if you've got your whole life ahead of you. Just keep believing, it will be what keeps you going.

Sunday, October 17, 2010 life.

Are you busy from 8 til 5 everyday of the week, and sometimes from 8 til 12 on a weekend? Do you ever think to yourself that you're never gonna get out of this 'work for the rest of your life til you retire' mess, doing a job that you don't want to do?
And when you get home, you just don't have the energy to do anything? And so the vicious cycle carries on...and you don't accomplish your dream.
On the other hand, while you're working, you might become inspired (like I did during this week while I was doing a temporary 2 week job). Do you keep a reminder of your inspiration in your head, or do you write it down so that you do remember in case you forget about it during the course of the day?
If you're currently in a job you don't like, start making a plan to get out of it and into a better place where you know you'll be happy and able to cope, and then also to make time for your dream.
If you're currently in a job you're comfortable in, still make a plan since you never know when you might get sick of the job.
It's hard having a 8 til 5 job, especially when you could be doing something else in some of those hours that you're working.
But whatever you do, don't give up hope. If you really need to, ask for some time off so you can go and review your dream and see if you can get the dream going. Then you'll be that much closer to making your dream happen and chances are, your hope will be restored for the future of your dream.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Learning from your job.

If you're still on your way to making your dreams happen, and therefore have a 'for now' job, take a look at what your current job is teaching you about yourself. In fact, if you can, look back at all the jobs you've had and see what you have learnt about yourself. Maybe you don't like being organized, maybe you don't like being indoors all day. Maybe you're craving for order. If you're not currently happy in your work position, look for a job that will provide the environment that you want. There will be times when there's going to be no other job available for you at that present moment. The moral of this particular post is: if you're happy with your current job, you'll be that much closer to making your dream happen, as opposed to unhappy in your job and focusing on everything else and not making your dream happen. Or even better, if there's a job open that's in line with your dream, make sure you take it, because then you'll definitely be on your way to your ideal dream.