Sunday, October 17, 2010 life.

Are you busy from 8 til 5 everyday of the week, and sometimes from 8 til 12 on a weekend? Do you ever think to yourself that you're never gonna get out of this 'work for the rest of your life til you retire' mess, doing a job that you don't want to do?
And when you get home, you just don't have the energy to do anything? And so the vicious cycle carries on...and you don't accomplish your dream.
On the other hand, while you're working, you might become inspired (like I did during this week while I was doing a temporary 2 week job). Do you keep a reminder of your inspiration in your head, or do you write it down so that you do remember in case you forget about it during the course of the day?
If you're currently in a job you don't like, start making a plan to get out of it and into a better place where you know you'll be happy and able to cope, and then also to make time for your dream.
If you're currently in a job you're comfortable in, still make a plan since you never know when you might get sick of the job.
It's hard having a 8 til 5 job, especially when you could be doing something else in some of those hours that you're working.
But whatever you do, don't give up hope. If you really need to, ask for some time off so you can go and review your dream and see if you can get the dream going. Then you'll be that much closer to making your dream happen and chances are, your hope will be restored for the future of your dream.

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