Thursday, September 30, 2010

Progressing at your own pace.

Have you ever come across someone who you see is rushing off headfirst into their goal(s) as if it's going out of fashion? Or even worse, have you ever been the victim of someone that is trying to push you to be at a certain point at a certain age? Let me give you an example: You want to take your time to study, or you want to start at a work situation that you think you can cope with, but someone is pushing you to study faster so that you can get a job faster or someone pushes you to take a job that you think you won't be able to cope with?
What I'm trying to say is that everyone progresses at their own pace in life. For example, some people get their driver's licence at 18 years of age, some people only get their driver's at 25 years of age. Or people tell you that when they were your age, they were doing this and this already, whereas you're not even there yet. After awhile, you start feeling bad, that you should be progressing at the rate other people are progressing at. BUT, each individual progresses at their own pace. So what if you don't have a job at the age of 20. Yes, it is going to make life a bit difficult, but there shouldn't be any rush. So what if you aren't at the job position everyone else your age is at when you're only 25 years of age.
Don't feel bad if people your age are achieving a lot more than you are at that particular stage in your life. It is worth it to take a look around instead of just performing all the time. Life isn't about who gets the fastest or best results. Don't be tempted to live the fast paced life everyone else is living, otherwise you're just going to end up burnt out and bitter. You (hopefully) have your whole life ahead of you to achieve your goals. Make the most of it...and remember to stop every once in a while to take a breather, look at the scenery and see how far you've come.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Your dream or someone else's dream?

In this day and age, it's good to be practical. Someone you know (could be parents, siblings or relatives) suggests you do this job or that job. Take note of the suggestion, but don't fall into the trap of doing the job because the person that suggested it couldn't do the job that they are suggesting that you do or because they convince you that it's practical. If you want a job that's going to make you a bit of money, get a job that you're going to like, otherwise it won't be worth the money you make. Don't make the mistake of living someone else's dream. And only take on a job that you can handle.
What if you're busy living your dream but you see someone you know or care about that isn't living their dream. Ask them if you can give them some advice or maybe help them to reach their dream, but only if you're in the position to help them. Maybe if both of you want to reach your dreams, you can be each other's support. It may seem like only the lucky people reach their dreams, but you can too, and once you do, you can help other people do the same.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Inspiration to carry on...

What inspires you to carry on hoping to live your dream, or if you're living your dream, what inspires you to carry on living your dream?
Inspiration can come from various places, and different things are going to inspire different people. Like last night, I was watching TV, and after the TV programme I watched, I came up with a new story idea (I want to become a novel writer). So now I've just got to develop the idea, and nurture it. Hopefully something will become of it...but then I've got to work at it for it to become a reality. Sometimes a person needs a reminder of the inspiration to keep them going. If you need the reminder, make sure you keep it somewhere where you'll see it everyday...and then start to work towards it. But don't take giant leaps towards your dream. Make sure they're small and within your reach. Don't let your dream die, or shelve it to only forget about it. Let your inspiration make you take that first bold step forward...and if you need help, ask for it. Chances are, you're going to need help making your dream a reality. Ask for support. And if you hit a rough patch, let the people around you remind you of your ultimate goal...where you really want to be, and then get back up and carry on...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fulfilled life?

Are you lucky enough to be living your dream right now, or are you stuck in a place you don't want to be? Chances are, you've made decisions that you regret, but all you can currently do is move forward and make the best of it...or can you change it? Is there the option to change it? Or even better, the opportunity? Have you ever let an opportunity pass you by because you didn't think you could do it, or you were too afraid to take that step, or you had too many responsibilities to even think of taking that opportunity?
Do you ever wonder what tomorrow's going to bring or do you know because the same things happens every single day? Do you wish for more variety or adventure? Or maybe even more stability?
Do you ever crave silence from the chaos in your life? Do you wish everything would just stop so you can process everything? Or is your life so quiet and dull that you'd like to have a nice refreshing change to get you going again?
Whatever it is that you want, go and grab it if you can, because you'll be a happier person for it. The world needs a few more happy people everyday that is living their dream life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here's a blog about shelved dreams.
It's about the dreams that you've shelved for another day, another month, another year.
You may have reasons for shelving them.
Sometimes they're forgotten, sometimes they're taken out and looked at every now and then, and sometimes it's just easier to carry on with the life you're currently living.
Some of you are living your dreams, but a lot of you aren't. Some of your dreams have been shattered, and you're left to pick up the pieces.
Some of you are trapped in a life you don't want to live, but that you don't know how to get out of, or can't get out of.
Hope is what keeps your dream alive. Reaching for your dream is a whole other story.
Here's to your shelved dreams...may you achieve them.